Artificial Intelligence by humans, for humans.
The 4 Nantes partners (University of Nantes, Centrale Nantes, INSERM and CHU de Nantes) have joined forces for the AiBy4 project, sharing an interdisciplinary vision of Artificial Intelligence.
4 axes have emerged, two application axes – Industry of the Future and Health of the Future – and two more theoretical axes – AI by humans and AI for humans – illustrated in the project logo. See the description.

13 laboratories in Nantes are partners in this project, covering the different areas of the project and with complementary skills: AAU, CRCINA, CRTI, DCS, GEM, IETR, IMAD, Institut du Thorax, LHEEA, LPPL, LMJL et LS2N.
2 objectives are targeted by the AiBy4 project:
- To animate the AI research of the Nantes site, via the constitution of a cohort of PhD students in the field who will have access to animations and trainings around the project’s themes as well as a certain visibility during events
- Create new synergies between Nantes partners via the co-funding of interdisciplinary theses.